Publication in Die Zeit (DE)

My illustrations have been published on Die Zeit, accompanying an article about the increasing visibility and popularity of vulvas in products & art. Thank you Antonia for dedicating attention to vulvas!

You can find the article HERE.

Publication on Glamour (NL)

A lovely feature about The Vulva Gallery and its mission has been published on Dutch website Glamour. Thank you Channa for writing this piece and dedicating attention to body diversity & positivity!

You can find the article HERE.

Publication on Be Inspired (JP)

A lovely feature about The Vulva Gallery has been published on the Japanese platform Be Inspired! Thank you Noemi for interviewing me and writing this piece <3 

You can find the article HERE.

The Vulva Gallery on ZDF

I was interviewed about The Vulva Gallery for the ZDF documentary series "Make Love", where I speak with Ann-Marlene Henning about the project. In the episode my illustrations were shown and used to open up conversation about the subject of body diversity.

You can watch it HERE.

With special thanks to director Tristan Ferland Milewski ♥️