Publication on Grazia (France)

The Vulva Gallery has been published in an article by Grazia about labiaplasty, following the news item by BBC about the increase in young girls wanting labiaplasty surgery). Thank you for dedicating attention to body positivity!

You can find the article HERE.

Publication on Oh Gush

The Vulva Gallery has been featured in an article about "Pussy Positive Instagram Accounts" on Oh Gush. Thank you Rose for your lovely words and for dedicating attention to body positivity!

You can find the article HERE.

Publication in Flaps Zine

The Vulva Gallery has been featured in Flaps Zine:

"In the 92 pages of our very first issue, we represent girls in all of their intelligence, wit and creativity, and hope to encourage an open attitude towards the myriad of so-bad-it’s-hilarious or just generally really shit things that come with being a girl. Inside, you'll find interviews with tracksuit queen Lydia Bolton, illustrators Emma Allegretti and Hilde Atalanta of The Vulva Gallery as well as Lu from Grrrl Zine, some beautiful shoots by photographers Jenny Heys Barlow and Jessica Gwyneth, plus loads of cringe sex and fuckboy related features."

You can find the zine HERE.